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a variant spelling of kibosh
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In a scathing attack, former health secretary Mr Neil said: "We must ensure that Gartcosh gets the kybosh.
Imagine having to convince a child alter to stay in check so that you can lead an important press conference--even though the prospect of a nearby ice cream store could prompt a child alter to bolt at any moment and put the kybosh on your plans.
CORONATION STREET (ITV) AIDAN and Carla have their respective procedures, and their father Johnny upsets Jenny by saying he can't possibly leave them to recuperate alone, putting the kybosh on her plans to whisk him away to Spain as soon as possible.
For example, the FDA has put the kybosh on claims that an ingredient "works in a similar way to Botox, increases cell communication and gene activation for the skin healing, thus it plays a fundamental role in the reconstruction of the skin tissue, is very high in lignans that support cell communication." So, cell communication language seems problematical to the FDA.
Jones is set to name a new elite player squad of 45 next Friday, but this ban has put the kybosh on any hopes Ashton had of a recall after 19 tries in 39 internationals.
Flight delays IF YOU escaped Blighty for half term, or just tripped from one end of the UK to the other, it's going to put the kybosh on your plans if your plane is late or cancelled.
KYBOSH, KYBOSHES (W3) KYBOSHING (OED --'credit crisis' 2008 quote) KYBOSHED (source ought to be findable) SKYBOARD, SKYBOARDS (OED ) SKYBOARDER, SKYBOARDERS (OED ) SKYBOARDING, SKYBOARDINGS (OED ) SKYBOLT (OED --'contingency' 1963 quote) SKYBORN (Chambers Dictionary , 12th edition) SKYBORNE (W3 ) SKYBOX, SKYBOXES (W3 ) There are 24 different arrangements of the letters in KYBO.
During Tuesday's episode we saw Gaz growing close to former Britain's Next Top Model hopeful Anita Kaushik and if the arrival of Anita's ex Joe wasn't enough to put a kybosh on any blossoming romance, a sneak peak of the next instalment suggests an even bigger obstacle is about to stand in their way - in the much-publicised new slimmer shape of Gaz's Geordie Shore ex Charlotte Crosby.
Next, sparrows to eat the spiders, but when he's caught vomiting feathers it puts the kybosh on his request for a pet kitten "for company".
Bad wishes tainted by the Kybosh must be stopped and Evangeline has an instinctive knack for spotting problems.