Advancing the Clean Energy Future


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Acadia Center develops effective policy reforms that are directly informed by years of experience in on-the-ground implementation. From issue briefs to technical analysis to expert testimony, our library of resources provides in-depth insight and bold, achievable solutions for the clean energy future.

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Acadia Center forms strategic alliances and engages all stakeholders—legislators, business and community leaders, advocacy and environmental justice groups—to press for next-generation solutions and ensure long-term results.

Advance Climate Solutions

Mining a breadth of regionally-specific data sets for untapped, long-term solutions across industries and agencies.

Electrification of Buildings and Transportation

Building coalitions, backed by reliable data, to push for consumer-friendly reforms to the two largest-emitting sectors.

Clean Energy Transition

Finding structural solutions in grid reform and utility innovation, and going beyond gas to level the playing field for clean energy.

Changing the Climate Conversation

Supporting consumers and communities in a just transition with engaging materials that re-frame debates and amplify solutions.

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Acadia Center was founded in 1998 with the belief that we cannot wait for federal policy, and that states can ignite national action. State and community action is needed now more than ever. We are committed to helping meet and exceed the climate goals that will improve the lives of people and their communities.

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Acadia Center received Charity Navigator’s 100% rating, placing it on the “Charities with Perfect Scores” and “10 Highly Rated Charities Relying on Private Contributions” lists.

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