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toward, on, against, upon
Not to be confused with:
too – also: me too; excessive: too much
two – a number: Take two; they’re small.
Abused, Confused, & Misused Words by Mary Embree Copyright © 2007, 2013 by Mary Embree




 (to͞o; tə when unstressed)
a. In a direction toward so as to reach: went to the city.
b. Towards: turned to me.
a. Reaching as far as: The ocean water was clear all the way to the bottom.
b. To the extent or degree of: loved him to distraction.
c. With the resultant condition of: nursed her back to health.
3. Toward a given state: helping minority women to economic equality.
4. In contact with; against: their faces pressed to the windows.
5. In front of: stood face to face.
6. Used to indicate appropriation or possession: looked for the top to the jar.
7. Concerning; regarding: waiting for an answer to my letter.
8. In a particular relationship with: The brook runs parallel to the road.
9. As an accompaniment or a complement of: danced to the tune.
10. Composing; constituting: two cups to a pint.
11. In accord with: job responsibilities suited to her abilities.
12. As compared with: a book superior to his others.
a. Before: The time is ten to five.
b. Up till; until: worked from nine to five.
a. For the purpose of: went out to lunch.
b. In honor of: a toast to the queen.
a. Used before a verb to indicate the infinitive: I'd like to go.
b. Used alone when the infinitive is understood: Go if you want to.
a. Used to indicate the relationship of a verb with its complement: refer to a dictionary; refer me to a dictionary.
b. Used with a reflexive pronoun to indicate exclusivity or separateness: had the plane to ourselves.
1. In one direction; toward a person or thing: owls with feathers wrong end to.
2. Into a shut or closed position: pushed the door to.
3. Into a state of consciousness: The patient came to.
4. Into a state of action or attentiveness: sat down for lunch and fell to.
5. Nautical Into the wind.

[Middle English, from Old English ; see de- in Indo-European roots.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(tuː; unstressed before a vowel tʊ; unstressed before a consonant)
1. used to indicate the destination of the subject or object of an action: he climbed to the top.
2. used to mark the indirect object of a verb in a sentence: telling stories to children.
3. used to mark the infinitive of a verb: he wanted to go.
4. as far as; until: working from Monday to Friday.
5. used to indicate equality: 16 ounces to the pound.
6. against; upon; onto: put your ear to the wall.
7. before the hour of: five minutes to four.
8. accompanied by: dancing to loud music.
9. as compared with, as against: the score was eight to three.
10. used to indicate a resulting condition: he tore her dress to shreds; they starved to death.
11. a dialect word for at1: he's to town; where's it to?.
towards a fixed position, esp (of a door) closed
[Old English tō; related to Old Frisian, Old Saxon to, Old High German zuo, Latin do- as in dōnec until]


the internet domain name for
(Computer Science) Tonga
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(tu; unstressed tʊ, tə)

1. (used for expressing motion or direction toward a place, person, or thing approached and reached): Come to the house.
2. (used for expressing motion or direction toward something): from north to south.
3. (used for expressing limit of movement or extension): He grew to six feet.
4. (used for expressing a point of limit in time) before; until: ten minutes to six.
5. (used for expressing destination or appointed end): sentenced to jail.
6. (used for expressing a resulting state or condition): He tore it to pieces.
7. (used for expressing the object of inclination or desire): They drank to her health.
8. (used for expressing the object of a right or claim): claimants to an estate.
9. (used for expressing limit in degree, condition, or amount): wet to the skin.
10. (used for expressing comparison or opposition): inferior to last year's crop.
11. (used for expressing agreement or accordance) according to; by: a room to your liking.
12. (used for expressing reference, reaction, or relation): What will he say to this?
13. (used for expressing a relative position): parallel to the roof; the woman standing to the left of the car.
14. (used for expressing a proportion) in; making up: 12 to the dozen.
15. (used for indicating the indirect object of a verb or for connecting a verb with its complement): Give it to me.
16. (used as the ordinary sign of the infinitive, as in expressing motion, direction, or purpose.)
17. Math. raised to the power indicated: Three to the fourth is 81 (34= 81).
18. toward a point, person, place, or thing.
19. toward a closed position: Pull the door to.
20. toward a matter, action, or work.
21. into a state of consciousness: after he came to.
to and fro, alternately in opposite directions; trees swaying to and fro in the wind.
[before 900; Middle English, Old English tō, c. Old Frisian, Old Saxon tō, Old High German zō, zuo]


1. turnover.
2. turn over.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


To is used in several different ways as a preposition. Its usual pronunciation is /tə/. However, when it is followed by a word beginning with a vowel sound, it is pronounced /tu/ and when it comes at the end of a clause, it is pronounced /tuː/.

1. destination

You use to when you mention the place where someone goes.

I'm going with her to Australia.
The children have gone to school.
I made my way back to my seat.

Don't use 'to' in front of here or there. Don't say, for example, 'We go to there every year'. Say 'We go there every year'.

Before I came here, there were a few offers from other clubs.
His mother was from New Orleans and he went there every summer.

Also, don't use 'to' in front of home.

I want to go home.
I'll pick the parcels up on my way home.
2. direction

You can use to to show the place that a person is intending to arrive at.

We're sailing to Europe.
We used to go through Yugoslavia on our way to Greece.

However, don't use 'to' to show the general direction in which someone or something is moving. Don't say, for example, 'The boat was drifting to the shore'. You say 'The boat was drifting towards the shore'.

He saw his mother running towards him.
We turned to fly back towards Heathrow.

Toward is sometimes used instead of towards.

They walked along the pathway toward the house.

You also say that someone looks towards or toward something.

She glanced towards the mirror.
He stood looking toward the back of the restaurant.
3. position

You can use to to show the position of something. For example, if something is to your left, it is nearer your left side than your right side.

My father was in the middle, with me to his left carrying the umbrella.
To the west lies Gloucester.

You can also use to to show where something is tied or attached, or what it is touching.

I locked my bike to a fence.
He clutched the parcel to his chest.
4. time

To is sometimes used with a similar meaning to 'until'.

Breakfast was from 9 to 10.
Only ten shopping days to Christmas.
5. indirect objects

You put to in front of the indirect object of some verbs when the indirect object comes after the direct object.

He showed the letter to Barbara.
6. used in infinitives

To is used for introducing a special kind of clause called a to-infinitive clause.

He was doing this to make me more relaxed.
She began to cry.

Be Careful!
Don't confuse to with too or two, both of which are pronounced /tuː/.

Be Careful!
You use too to show that what has just been said applies to someone or something else.

I'm on your side. Mike is too.

Be Careful!
You also use too when you want to say that an amount or degree of something is more than is desirable or acceptable.

Eggs shouldn't be kept in the fridge, it's too cold.
See too

Be Careful!
Two is the number 2.

The two boys glanced at each other.
Collins COBUILD English Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 2004, 2011, 2012
إِلَىإلى، نَحْوَالى حالَة الإقْفالتُسْتَعْمَل بدلا من المَصْدَرتُسْتَعْمَل قَبل صيغَة المَصْدَر
attilfor atii forhold til
á, aîafturaî verkií
dùng để đứng trước một động từ chưa chiatới


[tʊ, tuː, tə]
When to is the second element in a phrasal verb, eg set to, heave to, look up the phrasal verb. When to is part of a set combination, eg nice to, to my mind, to all appearances, appeal to, look up the other word.
1. (destination) → a
Note: a + el = al
it's 90 kilometres to Limade aquí a Lima hay 90 kilómetros, hay 90 kilómetros a Lima
a letter to his wifeuna carta a su mujer
he fell to the floorcayó al suelo
to go to Paris/Spainir a París/España
to go to Peruir al Perú
to go to school/universityir al colegio/a la Universidad
to go to the doctor'sir al médico
I liked the exhibition, I went to it twiceme gustó la exposición, fui a verla dos veces
BUT we're going to John's/my parents' for Christmas → vamos a casa de John/mis padres por Navidad
have you ever been to India?¿has estado alguna vez en la India?
flights to Heathrowvuelos a or con destino a Heathrow
the road to Edinburghla carretera de Edimburgo
see also church A2
2. (= towards) → hacia
he walked slowly to the doorcaminó despacio hacia la puerta
he turned to mese giró hacia mí
move it to the left/rightmuévelo hacia la izquierda/derecha
3. (= as far as) → hasta
from here to Londonde aquí a or hasta Londres
I'll see you to the doorte acompaño hasta la puerta
4. (= up to) → hasta
to count to tencontar hasta diez
it's accurate to (within) a millimetrees exacto hasta el milímetro
BUT to some extenthasta cierto punto, en cierta medida
we are expecting 40 to 50 peopleesperamos entre 40 y 50 personas
to this day I still don't know what he meantaún hoy no sé lo que quiso decir
eight years ago to the dayhoy hace exactamente ocho años
he didn't stay to the endno se quedó hasta el final
from Monday to Fridayde lunes a viernes
from morning to nightde la mañana a la noche, desde la mañana hasta la noche
funds to the value offondos por valor de ...
see also decimal A
5. (= located at) → a
the door is to the left (of the window)la puerta está a la izquierda (de la ventana)
the airport is to the west of the cityel aeropuerto está al oeste de la ciudad
6. (= against) → contra
he stood with his back to the wallestaba con la espalda contra la pared
he clasped her to himla estrechó contra sí
BUT to turn a picture to the wall → volver un cuadro mirando a la pared
7. (when telling time) it's a quarter to threeson las tres menos cuarto, es or (LAm) falta un cuarto para las tres
at eight minutes to tena las diez menos ocho
8. (introducing indirect object) → a
to give sth to sbdar algo a algn
I gave it to my friendse lo di a mi amigo
the man I sold it to or > to whom I sold it (frm) → el hombre a quien se lo vendí
BUT it belongs to me → me pertenece (a mí), es mío
they were kind to mefueron amables conmigo
it's new to mees nuevo para mí
what is that to me?¿y a mí qué me importa eso?
"that's strange," I said to myself-es raro -me dije para mis adentros
9. (in dedications, greetings) greetings to all our friends!¡saludos a todos los amigos!
welcome to you all!¡bienvenidos todos!
"to P.R. Lilly" (in book) → "para P.R. Lilly"
here's to you!¡va por ti!, ¡por ti!
a monument to the fallenun monumento a los caídos, un monumento en honor a los caídos
10. (in ratios, proportions) → por
there were three men to a cellhabía tres hombres por celda
it does 30 miles to the gallonhace 30 millas por galón
eight apples to the kiloocho manzanas por kilo
there are about five pesos to the dollarson unos cinco pesos por dólar
a scale of 1 centimetre to 1 kilometreuna escala de 1 centímetro por kilómetro
200 people to the square mile200 personas por milla cuadrada
BUT the odds are 8 to 1 → las probabilidades son de 8 a 1
the odds against it happening are a million to onelas probabilidades de que eso ocurra son una entre un millón
by a majority of 12 to 10por una mayoría de 12 a 10
they won by four goals to twoganaron por cuatro goles a dos
three to the fourth; three to the power of four (Math) → tres a la cuarta potencia
11. (in comparisons) → a
superior to the otherssuperior a los demás
A is to B as C is to DA es a B como C es a D
BUT that's nothing to what is to come → eso no es nada en comparación con lo que está por venir
12. (= about, concerning) what do you say to that?¿qué te parece (eso)?
what would you say to a beer?¿te parece que tomemos una cerveza?
"to repairing pipes: ..." (on bill) → "reparación de las cañerías: ..."
13. (= according to) → según
to my way of thinkinga mi modo de ver, según mi modo de pensar
14. (= to the accompaniment of) we danced to the music of the bandbailamos con la música de la orquesta
they came out to the strains of the national anthemsalieron a los compases del himno nacional
it is sung to the tune of "Tipperary"se canta con la melodía de "Tipperary"
15. (= of, for) → de
the key to the front doorla llave de la puerta principal
assistant to the managerasistente del gerente
BUT he was a good father to the children → fue un buen padre para sus hijos
it offers a solution to your problemte ofrece una solución para el problema
we've found the solution to the problemhemos encontrado solución al problema
the British ambassador to Moscowel embajador británico en Moscú
he has been a good friend to usha sido un buen amigo para nosotros
16. (with gerund/noun)
to look forward to doing sthtener muchas ganas de hacer algo
I'm really looking forward to the holidaysestoy deseando que lleguen las vacaciones
to prefer painting to drawingpreferir pintar a dibujar
to be used to (doing) sthestar acostumbrado a (hacer) algo
17. (in set expressions)
to this enda or con este fin
to my enormous shame I did nothingpara gran vergüenza mía, no hice nada
to my great surprisecon gran sorpresa por mi parte, para gran sorpresa mía
1. (infinitive) to comevenir
to singcantar
to worktrabajar
2. (following another verb)
A preposition may be required with the Spanish infinitive, depending on what precedes it: look up the verb.

she refused to listense negó a escuchar
to start to cryempezar or ponerse a llorar
to try to do sthtratar de hacer algo, intentar hacer algo
to want to do sthquerer hacer algo
2.2. (object as subject of following infinitive)
I'd advise you to think this overte aconsejaría que te pensaras bien esto
he'd like me to give up workle gustaría que dejase de trabajar
we'd prefer him to go to universitypreferiríamos que fuese a la universidad
I want you to do itquiero que lo hagas
2.3. I have things to dotengo cosas que hacer
he has a lot to losetiene mucho que perder
there was no one for me to ask; there wasn't anyone for me to askno había nadie a quien yo pudiese preguntar
he's not the sort or type to do thatno es de los que hacen eso
that book is still to be writtenese libro está todavía por escribir
now is the time to do itahora es el momento de hacerlo
and who is he to criticize?¿y quién es él para criticar?
3. (purpose, result) → para
he did it to help youlo hizo para ayudarte
I have done nothing to deserve thisno he hecho nada para merecer esto
it disappeared, never to be seen againdesapareció para siempre
BUT I arrived to find she had gone → cuando llegué me encontré con que se había ido
he came to see youvino a verte
he's gone to get the paperha ido a por el periódico
4. (standing in for verb)
to is not translated when it stands for the infinitive:
we didn't want to sell it but we had tono queríamos venderlo pero tuvimos que hacerlo or no hubo más remedio
"would you like to come to dinner?" - "I'd love to!"-¿te gustaría venir a cenar? -¡me encantaría!
you may not want to do it but you ought to for the sake of your educationtal vez no quieres hacerlo pero deberías en aras de tu educación
I don't want tono quiero
I forgot tose me olvidó
5. (after adjective)
For combinations like difficult/easy/foolish/ ready/slow to etc, look up the adjective.
it is very expensive to live in Londonresulta muy caro vivir en Londres
it's hard to describe the feelinges difícil describir la sensación
these dogs are hard to controlestos perros son difíciles de controlar
the first/last to goel primero/último en irse
he's young to be a grandfatheres joven para ser abuelo EASY, DIFFICULT, IMPOSSIBLE
6. (in exclamations) and then to be let down like that!¡y para que luego te decepcionen así!
and to think he didn't mean a word of it!¡y pensar que nada de lo que dijo era de verdad!
7. to see him now one would never think thatal verlo or viéndolo ahora nadie creería que ...
C. ADVERB to pull the door totirar de la puerta para cerrarla, cerrar la puerta tirando
to push the door toempujar la puerta para cerrarla, cerrar la puerta empujando
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


[ˈtu tə ˈtuː]
(indicating direction)à
to go to France → aller en France
to go to Portugal → aller au Portugal
to go to London → aller à Londres
to go to school → aller à l'école
to go to the theatre → aller au théâtre
to go to Claude's → aller chez Claude
to go to the doctor's → aller chez le docteur
the road to Edinburgh → la route d'Édimbourg
the train to London → le train de Londres
(= as far as) → jusqu'à, à
from nine o'clock to half past three → de neuf heures à trois heures et demie, de neuf heures jusqu'à trois heures et demie
from 40 to 50 people → de 40 à 50 personnes
to count to 10 → compter jusqu'à 10
(with expressions of time) a quarter to 5 → 5 heures moins le quart
it's twenty to 3 → il est 3 heures moins vingt
(= of) → de
the key to the front door → la clé de la porte d'entrée
(= for) → à
a letter to his wife → une lettre à sa femme
the answer to the question → la réponse à la question
(expressing indirect object)à
We said goodbye to the neighbours → Nous avons dit au revoir aux voisins.
to give sth to sb → donner qch à qn
to talk to sb → parler à qn
it belongs to him → cela lui appartient, c'est à lui
(in ratios, scores)à
3 goals to 2 → 3 buts à 2
30 miles to the gallon → 9,4 litres aux cent kilomètres
there's nothing to it (= it's simple) → cela n'a rien de compliqué
that's all there is to it → c'est tout ce qu'on peut en dire
(simple infinitive) to go → aller
to eat → manger
(following another verb) to want to do sth → vouloir faire qch
to try to do sth → essayer de faire qch
to start to do sth → commencer à faire qch
(with verb omitted) I don't want to → je ne veux pas
(purpose, result)pour
I did it to help you → je l'ai fait pour vous aider
(equivalent to relative clause) I have things to do → j'ai des choses à faire
the main thing is to try → l'important est d'essayer
something to drink → quelque chose à boire
(after adjective) ready to go → prêt(e) à partir
ready to eat → prêt à manger
it's easy to do → c'est facile à faire
it's easy to criticize → c'est facile de critiquer
his name is difficult to say → son nom est difficile à prononcer
too old to do sth → trop vieux pour faire qch(vieille)
She's too young to go to school → Elle est trop jeune pour aller à l'école.
push the door to → poussez la porte
to go to and fro → aller et venir
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


= in direction of, towardszu; to go to the stationzum Bahnhof gehen; to go to the doctor(’s)/greengrocer’s etczum Arzt/Gemüsehändler etc gehen; to go to the opera/concert etcin die Oper/ins Konzert etc gehen; to go to France/Londonnach Frankreich/London fahren; to go to Switzerlandin die Schweiz fahren; to go to schoolzur Schule or in die Schule gehen; to go to bedins or zu Bett gehen; to the leftnach links; to the westnach Westen; he came up to where I was standinger kam dahin or zu der Stelle, wo ich stand; to fall to the groundauf den Boden or zu Boden fallen; to turn a picture/one’s face to the wallein Bild/sich mit dem Gesicht zur Wand drehen; hold it up to the lighthalte es gegen das Licht
= as far as, untilbis; to count (up) to 20bis 20 zählen; there were (from) 40 to 60 peoplees waren 40 bis 60 Leute da; it’s 90 kms to Parisnach Paris sind es 90 km; it’s correct to a millimetrees stimmt bis auf den Millimeter; 8 years ago to the dayauf den Tag genau vor 8 Jahren; to this daybis auf den heutigen Tag; they perished to a mansie kamen alle bis auf den letzten Mann ums Leben
= inin (+dat); I have never been to Brussels/Indiaich war noch nie in Brüssel/Indien
= secure to he nailed it to the wall/floor etcer nagelte es an die Wand/auf den Boden etc; they tied him to the treesie banden ihn am Baum fest; they held him to the groundsie hielten ihn am Boden
with indirect object to give something to somebodyjdm etw geben; a present from me to youein Geschenk für dich von mir or von mir an dich; who did you give it to?wem haben Sie es gegeben?; I said to myself …ich habe mir gesagt; he was muttering/singing to himselfer murmelte/sang vor sich hin; what is it to you?was geht dich das an?; he is kind to everyoneer ist zu allen freundlich; it’s a great help to medas ist eine große Hilfe für mich; he has been a good friend to user war uns (dat)ein guter Freund; “To … ” (on envelope etc) → „An (+acc)…“; to pray to Godzu Gott beten
in toasts → auf (+acc); to drink to somebodyjdm zutrinken; to drink to somebody’s healthauf jds Wohl (acc)trinken
= next to with position bumper to bumperStoßstange an Stoßstange; close to somebody/somethingnahe bei jdm/etw; at right angles to the wallim rechten Winkel zur Wand; parallel to the wallparallel zur Wand; to the west (of)/the left (of)westlich/links (von)
with expressions of time → vor; 20 (minutes) to 220 (Minuten) vor 2; at (a) quarter to 2um Viertel vor 2; 25 to 35 (Minuten) nach halb 3; it was five to when we arrivedes war fünf vor, als wir ankamen
= in relation tozu; A is to B as C is to DA verhält sich zu B wie C zu D; by a majority of 10 to 7mit einer Mehrheit von 10 zu 7; they won by 4 goals to 2sie haben mit 4:2 (spoken: vier zu zwei) Toren gewonnen
= perpro; (in recipes, when mixing) → auf (+acc); one person to a roomeine Person pro Zimmer
Math 3 to the 4th, 3 to the power of 43 hoch 4
= concerning what do you say to the idea?was hältst du von der Idee?; what would you say to a beer?was hältst du von einem Bier?; there’s nothing to it (= it’s very easy)es ist nichts dabei; that’s all there is to itdas ist alles; to repairing television £30 (Comm) → (für) Reparatur eines Fernsehers £ 30
= according to to the best of my knowledgenach bestem Wissen; it’s not to my tastedas ist nicht nach meinem Geschmack
= accompanied by to sing to the guitarzur Gitarre singen; to sing something to the tune of …etw nach der Melodie von … singen; to dance to a tune/a bandzu einer Melodie/den Klängen or der Musik eines Orchesters tanzen
= of ambassador to America/the King of FranceBotschafter in Amerika/am Hofe des Königs von Frankreich; secretary to the directorSekretärin des Direktors
= producing to everyone’s surprisezu jedermanns Überraschung
infinitive to begin to do somethinganfangen, etw zu tun; he decided to comeer beschloss zu kommen; I want to do itich will es tun; I want him to do itich will, dass er es tut
conditional use of infinitive to see him now, one would never think …wenn man ihn jetzt sieht, würde man nicht glauben, …
infinitive expressing purpose, result to eat/work to liveessen/arbeiten, um zu leben; I did it to help youich tat es, um dir zu helfen; to get to the point, …um zur Sache zu kommen, …; well, not to exaggerate …ohne zu übertreiben, …; I arrived to find she had goneals ich ankam, war sie weg; never to be found againund wurde nie wiedergefunden
omitting verb I don’t want toich will nicht; I’ll try toich werde es versuchen; you have todu musst; I’d love tosehr gerne; we didn’t want to but we were forced towir wollten nicht, aber wir waren dazu gezwungen; I intended to (do it), but I forgot (to)ich wollte es tun, aber ich habe es vergessen; buy it, it would be silly not tokaufe es, es wäre dumm, es nicht zu tun; he often does things one doesn’t expect him toer macht oft Dinge, die man nicht von ihm erwartet
set structures
? noun/pronoun + to + infinitive he is not the sort to do thater ist nicht der Typ, der das täte, er ist nicht der Typ dazu; I have done nothing to deserve thisich habe nichts getan, womit ich das verdient hätte; there’s no-one to help uses ist niemand da, der uns helfen könnte; who is he to order you around?wer ist er denn, dass er dich so herumkommandiert?; he was the first to arriveer kam als Erster an, er war der Erste, der ankam; who was the last to see her?wer hat sie zuletzt gesehen?; there is much to be donees gibt viel zu tun; what is there to do here?was gibt es hier zu tun?; now is the time to do itjetzt ist die (beste) Zeit, es zu tun; the book is still to be writtendas Buch muss noch geschrieben werden
? adjective + to + infinitive to be ready to do something (= willing)bereit sein, etw zu tun; are you ready to go at last?bist du endlich fertig?; it’s hard to understandes ist schwer zu verstehen; it’s impossible to believedas kann man einfach nicht glauben; you are foolish to try itdu bist dumm, das überhaupt zu versuchen; is it good to eat?schmeckt es gut?; it’s too heavy to liftes ist zu schwer zum Heben; too young to marryzu jung zum Heiraten; he’s too old to be still in short trouserser ist schon so alt und trägt noch kurze Hosen
door (= ajar)angelehnt; (= shut)zu
to and frohin und her; walkauf und ab
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


() , (tu) preposition
1. towards; in the direction of. I cycled to the station; The book fell to the floor; I went to the concert/lecture/play.
2. as far as. His story is a lie from beginning to end.
3. until. Did you stay to the end of the concert?
4. sometimes used to introduce the indirect object of a verb. He sent it to us; You're the only person I can talk to.
5. used in expressing various relations. Listen to me!; Did you reply to his letter?; Where's the key to this door?; He sang to (the accompaniment of) his guitar.
6. into a particular state or condition. She tore the letter to pieces.
7. used in expressing comparison or proportion. He's junior to me; Your skill is superior to mine; We won the match by 5 goals to 2.
8. showing the purpose or result of an action etc. He came quickly to my assistance; To my horror, he took a gun out of his pocket.
9. (tə) used before an infinitive eg after various verbs and adjectives, or in other constructions. I want to go!; He asked me to come; He worked hard to (= in order to) earn a lot of money; These buildings were designed to (= so as to) resist earthquakes; She opened her eyes to find him standing beside her; I arrived too late to see him.
10. used instead of a complete infinitive. He asked her to stay but she didn't want to.
(tuː) adverb
1. into a closed or almost closed position. He pulled/pushed the door to.
2. used in phrasal verbs and compounds. He came to (= regained consciousness).
to and fro (tuːənˈfrou)
backwards and forwards. they ran to and fro in the street.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


إِلَى, لِ do, k at, til zu να, προς a, partícula de infinitivo infinitif, pour prema, za a, di ・・・に, 不定詞の前に用いられる ...으로, 부정사용법 naar, te å, til do, nie tłumaczy się na język polski de, para к att, till ไปถึง, ที่จะ n/a, oraya, orada dùng để đứng trước một động từ chưa chia, tới , 用于动词不定式之前
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
Collins Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009