About AnswermeUp : how does it work?

Answer me Up is A Q&A (like Yahoo Answers) who helps online community to share knowledge. People with questions get the answers they need. The community is enriched by commenting, voting, notifications, and rankings.

In order to enjoy all the features of AnswermeUp you need to be registered. No worry it's free, and it always will be.

You can participate as a guest. But in this case, your messages must first be validated by a member with level 3 or more.

A few benefits of membership :

  • ask a question to other members
  • you can post images, videos, text, links
  • communicate with other members through our private messaging system
  • earn points answering questions correctly
  • and much more

This website is proudly powered by WordPress, an amazing free PHP script. The last version of Answermeup was built with 2code theme (available on themeforest).

We leave you with George Michael and his awesome song :